Fifty-two weeks in a year…. Here are 52 totally feasible ways to organize your home without lots of added expense and fuss. Check it out! Why not set a goal to accomplish one of these great tricks each week? Let me know how it goes, and I will put your story on the website.
Back to school
Now that the dust has settled… Back-to-school time is certainly hectic, what with all the shopping for supplies and clothes as well as preparing students’ minds and hearts for fresh adventures with new teachers and classrooms. But, school has been in session now for almost a month. Hopefully the dust has settled, by now, for …
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Penny Wise Organizes the Linen Closet
What could make an organized homemaker, like me, scream with frustration? I’ll give you a hint. It is a common dysfunctional space in your home, and it lurks behind a door near your bathroom. Of course, I am talking about the linen closet. The common American linen closet looks like something out of an episode …
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Update and eliminate, or you will accumulate!
In this post we look at an oft repeated truism in my seminars which is “Update and eliminate, or you will accumulate!” This saying resonates with my audiences because we see that when we don’t eliminate clutter, clutter builds up into endlessly growing stacks and piles until it crowds a room and blocks out light and air! In the office. My …
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Organizing on a dollar or less
I don’t know about you, but when the economy took a nosedive in 2008, I began searching high and low for cheaper alternatives to everything, from food to gas to clothing. With taxes increasing along with the cost of gas and seemingly everything else, there just doesn’t seem to be enough in the wallet these …
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Making promises become practices
In our last post we explored the truth that order and organization bring the promise of balance, harmony and discovery in your life. So how do we turn those promises into actual practices in our lives and get organized? Mastery over our physical space in our office or home all begins with understanding the Five …
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Space for new things
by Jennyce Garber If you are a fan of With Time to Spare , perhaps you’ve become acquainted with Mel who was recently featured in two articles, “Thrive where you live” and “From Virginia to Hong Kong”. These articles describe her downsizing efforts and her new smaller apartment in a 69-story high rise in Hong …
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