What does worry mean? Webster says it is feeling anxious or tormented, to suffer from disturbing thoughts or to fret. But here’s another definition that just amazes me: To seize by the throat with the teeth and shake or mangle. Well, isn’t that just what happens when Satan gets you to worry?
You feel anxious, you fret and you are tormented with “what if”, and you feel like you have been seized by the throat by some unknown entity. That entity is your enemy, and you must stand against this giant.
How? By worship! Now I am learning that worship comes in many forms. Reading the Bible is worship. Thanking the Lord for his provisions in your life is worship. Prayer is worship. So, there are a multitude of weapons that the Lord has provided for us to use to conquer the giant of worry. Worship is the language of love to the Father, and it is lavishing your affection on him for just him being him.
Scripture tells us not to be anxious, to not fret, to not worry. These are commands not suggestions, and the way to honor the Lord and not worry is to worship.
The quickest way to end worry and start to worship is with loud, audacious, verbal praise. Satan hates this and will not live under the same roof with loud, verbal praise.
So, the next time you worry, immediately turn to praising the Lord out loud, and you will watch worry dissipate immediately. Your circumstances might not change but your atmosphere will and you will walk victoriously above your circumstances, letting God work more freely to change what he needs to change.
That change might be your circumstances, or that change might be YOU. Either way you win!
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