It was 1990, and my corporate program was hot! I was traveling and experiencing new challenges all around the country. By the end of 1990, I had worked with Sybase, Bureau of National Affairs, Marriott, the Naval Air Station, Eli Lilly, Tandem Computers, and Fairfax Hospital, and this was my first year to offer my corporate program! I was on a roll and thrilled to be traveling.
Whenever I flew to another state, I always tried to hook up with friends or just stay a few extra days to enjoy the scenery. As I saw how much I loved traveling, I began to ask the Lord if I could travel overseas. Now, I had no contacts there and had no friends there, but it couldn’t hurt to ask, so ask I did. It was around January of 1990, and my roommate asked me to attend a Christian single’s party with her. I had never attended a single’s party, Christian or otherwise, and was not at all interested but felt a nudge from the Lord to do so. I reluctantly agreed and while I was there, looking lost and not mingling well, I ran into a friend of my roommate’s, and she introduced herself to me. As we chatted, I told her what I did for a living, and she said, “Oh, you have got to meet my boss. He is the director of MCYM-Military Community Youth Ministries-a Christian ministry to youth on the military bases all over the world.”
She gave me his number, and I called him, made an appointment, and we had a lovely discussion. He then said that he wanted to have me travel to all his staff teams all over Germany to organize their offices. I mentioned that I would need to be paid, and he said that he could not pay me a dime! I left his office disappointed but excited about how God might pull this off. As I pondered and prayed, I came up with a unique idea and called him the next day to get his thoughts. I came up with the idea that the team in each city probably had lots of non-military business people as contacts within the city. These contacts could probably hire me to work in their companies. All they had to do was to have a business owner hire me for one week and pay my expenses there and back, and then I would agree to work four weeks with their teams all around Germany. He liked the idea, and in May of 1991 I flew to Germany, worked with an American insurance company for one week in two cities, and then for the next four weeks took a train all around Germany working with their staff on the military bases. What fun it was getting to go overseas and seeing one country up close and personal.
I tell you what. God can do anything, if we would just believe. His surprises have never ended for me, and it just seems that He continually wants to not only bless me but surprise me as He does it.
I can’t wait to see what is around the next corner in the Kingdom of God.