What could make an organized homemaker, like me, scream with frustration? I’ll give you a hint. It is a common dysfunctional space in your home, and it lurks behind a door near your bathroom. Of course, I am talking about the linen closet. The common American linen closet looks like something out of an episode …
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Organizing on a dollar or less
I don’t know about you, but when the economy took a nosedive in 2008, I began searching high and low for cheaper alternatives to everything, from food to gas to clothing. With taxes increasing along with the cost of gas and seemingly everything else, there just doesn’t seem to be enough in the wallet these …
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The Tax Man Cometh
Everyone is familiar with Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “The only things certain in life are death and taxes.” That inevitable date with the tax man has arrived. For many, this year was another year of burdensome and time-consuming tax filing and next year looks to be more of the same. And a cursory search of …
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Professional Organizers: Miracle Workers, Mythbusters, Mentors!
So what exactly does Sue McMillin, professional organizer, do? Does she clean up messes? Tidy up rooms and closets? Rearrange furniture? Clear clutter from desks and work surfaces? Put books away on shelves? Genuine professional organizers do far more than clean up messes; like Sue, they go to extraordinary lengths to simplify a client’s life …
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Space for new things
by Jennyce Garber If you are a fan of With Time to Spare , perhaps you’ve become acquainted with Mel who was recently featured in two articles, “Thrive where you live” and “From Virginia to Hong Kong”. These articles describe her downsizing efforts and her new smaller apartment in a 69-story high rise in Hong …
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The morning rush
By Sue McMillin and Jennyce Garber “Find peace in the morning rush, and you will have a good day.” Mike Dolan One thing I often hear from working moms is that they would love a strategy to deal with the morning routine – the proverbial “Up and At ‘em” ordeal that they deal with each and …
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Thrive where you live
A funny new word has made its way into conversations of late. That word is McMansions, alluding to McDonalds’ habit of adding “Mc” in front of its latest food offering. McMansion is a derogatory term for a type of large, mass-produced luxury house which is oversized for its neighborhood. Americans are often obsessed with the …
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From Virginia to Hong Kong
I can guarantee that a time will come in all of our lives when we will need to downsize our space and our stuff. It may come as a result of retirement and a move to a smaller home. Downsizing while moving may come as a result of new budgetary constraints or the need to …
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