As of this publication, thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people are receiving some kind of therapy for various ailments, from physical to occupational to mental to emotional. Myths abound concerning therapy and therapists and those who seek them out. Actually, therapists are amazing people who really do want to help.
But, what if I were to tell you that organizing is like therapy! You might say, “Sue, you can’t be serious!” But, I am serious when I say that organizing is very very therapeutic. And what better time to organize than during quarantine?
My friend and colleague, Vicki Norris, says the following in her recent article “Organizing is Like Therapy”: “There’s a productive, beneficial way to ease stress and improve the relationships in your life…and it’s rolling up your sleeves and getting organized! Organizing is much like therapy. Going through a healthy organizing process produces new self-awareness, creates physical and mental space and alleviates anxiety. Here’s how getting organized is sometimes the therapy you need. “
How true this is! Check out the article! It will be very therapeutic! I guarantee it!