“Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)
How many times have you read that verse and walked right past what it is saying? If you study the Hebrew, you will find that the small word “number” means determine or prepare, and the word “aright” means orderly.
Imagine that! Folks, scripture says so much about bringing order to our lives that I could write from now until I am 97 and still not cover it all.
Anyway, here is what that verse says in the Hebrew: “Lord, teach us to prepare and determine our days to be orderly and then we will gain wisdom.” Wisdom is the fruit of ordering our lives.
Wow! Ordering our lives brings wisdom. Scripture also tells us to gain wisdom above all things, and though it might cost us everything, gain wisdom.
Isn’t that just a hoot! Getting organized in our office, homes and heart brings wisdom. Bet you didn’t think about that, did you? I have been teaching organizational skills for 38 years and have always taught that organization brings peace, clarity, space, more time and, of course, more money.
But here the Bible tells us that organization and order bring wisdom. How encouraging is that? And here is the best thing about this thought. Organization is not hard to acquire. It’s not like mending a relationship with a spouse or dealing with your son who is rebelling or building a home. Those things are hard and take lots of time. Getting organized is not time consuming and can be done with just a little help.
There are plenty of organizers in your city to choose from. Look here for help finding one in your area.
March is a great month to tackle any area in your office, home or spirit that is experiencing some disorder. So, go and get some help, and then gain wisdom!