2 Peter 1: 3-4- says that His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him …and he has given us his very great and precious promises…
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Ever been in circumstances that attempt to drown your very existence? Have you tried and tried with every ounce of your being to get an answer about your circumstances that will bring you relief? I have been in those very circumstances, and I am currently experiencing very challenging times with little relief.
It seems like no matter where I turn, there is no way out.
But according to 2 Peter 1:3-4 and 1Thessalonians 5:18 God has already given us everything that we need to live a godly life, and He wants us to thank Him for it.
But, just how do we tap into what God has already given us?
How do we appropriate these spiritual principles so as to provide the answer to our problems?
Scripture tells us. We can tap into this through our knowledge of Him, through His precious promises, and through great gratitude for His many blessings.
I am not sure how this works, but when you thank God for all the things that He has done already for you (your parents, your education, your spouse, your job, your kids, your church, your friends, your salvation), somehow this triggers God into action. Can’t explain it, I just know that it works.
Duh, Sue, how in the world will that solve anything? I have bills to pay, kids to raise and a job from hell. Do you really want me to thank God for what He has done for me and NOT complain about what I think He needs to do for me? Yep, bingo, right on the mark, you hit the nail on the head.
Heck, even if your problems are not immediately solved, your own personal atmosphere changes. You go from seeing lack, depression and discouragement to almost instant joy and celebration. The minute that I start praising God for everything that I can think of that He has done for me, my spirit lifts right out of the doldrums and soars through the atmosphere.
Now, mind you, my circumstances don’t always change immediately, but my atmosphere is glorious. And it stays that way sometimes for days and weeks.
Scripture says in Isaiah 26:3 that God will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is firmly fixed on Him. That is a promise (and God does not break His promises) that guarantees that if you focus on God and what He has done and NOT on what He hasn’t done, your mind will reside in perfect peace and at rest. Then I believe that allows God to work in your circumstances more freely (I think that has something to do with free will). I believe as you thank Him, you align your emotions and thoughts and mind up with His will, and then He is freer to work His majesty and miracles in your circumstances.
When circumstances simply don’t change, well then, it’s our chance to learn to walk in endurance, which is one of His character traits. Either way, we win!
Prove me right. Start praising Him for your abundant blessings and see what happens. Let me know.