These eight tips will help you invest your time more wisely, productively and energetically each day. Some of the tips can be done immediately; others require cultivation. All are time well spent.
How to start and end your day.
1. Institute a quiet period in your office, preferably before you dive into your work. Gather your thoughts, look at your schedule, review any to-do lists left from the day before.
2. Highlight your commitments. On your calendar/scheduler note or review any commitments you have made to others, and also ones they have made to you.
3. Keep a separate folder, stackable or reminder system to track all paperwork for delegated tasks.
4. Set reasonable deadlines for every task.
5. Concentrate on and, if possible, complete one item at a time.
6. Execute your to-do list smartly. Do your most-important tasks that are also short and easy first. Do your less important tasks, whether short or complex, last. Simply, you will get more done.
7. Make decisions now if possible. If further information is not likely to change the course of the decision, then do not wait any longer.
8. Before leaving work each evening, make a to-do list for the things that need to be done the next day.