“The mind is its own place, and, in itself, can make a Heaven out of Hell,
or a Hell out of Heaven”
~John Milton~
“Renewing your mind means learning to recognize what comes from hell, and what comes from heaven, and agreeing with heaven. The only way to consistently do Kingdom works is to view reality from God’s perspective. That’s what the Bible means when it talks about renewing our minds. The battle is in the mind. The mind is the essential tool in bringing Kingdom reality to the problems and crisis people face…Every thought and action in your life speaks of allegiance to God or to Satan. Both are empowered by your agreement.”
~Bill Johnson~
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind.
This article is an account of a revelation that the Lord gave to me as I was studying about the renewed mind and how the Lord wants us to start thinking like He does.
I will lead you step-by-step in how the Lord showed me this teaching. I have also turned it into a webinar which can be found here!
When my negative circumstances hit and my first response is, “It won’t work out, it will never change, things will never get better, there’s no answer”, that says that I am looking at my circumstances, not Christ. Scripture says to fix our eyes on Jesus in 2Cor. 4:18 and look at the eternal not the temporary things. If I am failing to do that on a consistent basis, then there must be something missing in my character that prohibits me from resting in Christ and believing He will lead me victoriously. That says I am still focusing on the negative and not what Christ has said in His Word. I need to align my thoughts with what God says about me.
I know He wants to lead me through experiences and circumstances where I go from the negative of unbelief to the positive of belief. He wants me to put off the old man (the mindset of looking at my circumstances) and put on the new man (the mindset of looking at Christ) and walk in victory in my circumstances even though the circumstances have not changed. He wants me to see and think differently so I can become (appropriate His character) before I do whatever I need to do. Then either the circumstances will bend under the power of Christ, or I will learn to endure in the midst of these circumstances.
This webinar offers 10 keys, weapons that will not only renew our minds, but also defeat our enemy. When applied, they will bring victory in our life circumstances. Here are the 10 keys listed below that are covered in this webinar:
- Relate to God intimately- Do you want deliverance from your problems or development in your problems? Are you religiously motivated- do you want only what God can do for you in your circumstances? Are you relationally motivated- do you want who God is for you in your circumstances?
- Repent- Repentance is a relentless demolishing of our old ways of seeing and thinking, and then a persistent and attentive building of new ones. Put off the old (natural man) and put on the new (Spiritual man).
- Read the Word- The Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. It has answers for all of your life problems.
- Realize who you are in Christ – Knowing your identity is in Christ will add real stability and security to your walk with the Lord.
- Rejoice out loud-very loud-audible praise- Praise liberates your spirit
- Reasons for the problems- God has ordained your circumstances. If you are in Christ, then so are your circumstances.
- Run from Negativity- Flee from the negatives in your life; flee into God’s presence.
- Remember, Record and Recite your testimony (what God has done for you)- Remembering, journaling and sharing your journey is key to victory.
- Rest from Busyness- The overly busy life will murder our hearts! “We have to reclaim our inner territory before we can reclaim the ground around us”. Graham Cooke.
- Remain- When all the above have been lived out and the circumstances do not change, then we are to persevere-endure.
If you are struggling in this season of life, I encourage you to purchase this webinar. It includes a 11-page detailed handout and it is divided into 11 sessions (introduction and 10 keys), each about 5-10 minutes in length. You can listen to one session a day for encouragement and instruction in how to apply each key for victory in your life.