Nine Organizing Tasks in Nine Minutes or Less
If you are like most people, your work day roars past like a freight train. The day is crammed with meetings, tasks and emails.
You might think, “If I only had a moment to do __________…” , fill in the blank! And before you know it you are headed out the door at the end of the work day, and you wish that you had just accomplished one more thing.
What if I told you that with a small amount of time, say nine minutes or less, you could accomplish some of those little bugaboo jobs that bug you, that you feel you will never get around to.
So, with that said, here are 9 things you could accomplish in 9 minutes or less:
- Update your appointments, meetings, and pow wows in your online calendar or planner
- Archive 9 emails from your overcrowded email box
- Clear your desk surface of files, papers and debris
- Do some maintenance on your organizational systems
- Organize a desk drawer. Here are some ideas
- File some of your loose paper work into your stackable on your desk
- Take a moment to clean your computer, printer and fax machine
- Take a moment to shred that pile of personal papers that contain your vital information
- Identify one small irritant that has been bugging you and deal with it.
Need more ideas on how to spend your time properly. Here are some tips on how to do just that!
And remember, I am always available to come alongside you in your organizational endeavors.