A while back I shared with you how I had rediscovered a principle that has been predominantly lost to modern man. That principle is that of taking one day of rest every week. The idea of a Sabbath rest is a lost concept in today’s hectic stressful life, but if it were rediscovered, it would free people of so much angst and worry. For a season I studied the Bible and read a boatload of books on the subject. Here’s what I uncovered.
Let’s face it, during our early and middle years, work will never stop — so, we must stop work. It’s as simple as that. And that’s what the Sabbath is all about. You and I managing our lives the way God wants us to. And when we do, the tyrant Time loses its power to control our lives.
Now, Vicki Norris of Restoring Order has posted an awesome article that follows up on this idea. It’s called “Retreat: Seclude to Renew your Soul”.
I challenge you to read this excellent article and soak in her life-enriching principles. You will hear principles like this: “A congruent and ordered life includes mental and spiritual space for both the prosaic and the profound. I want both in my life.”
And like this: “My Reclaimist Retreat did NOT happen because I was burnt out, tired of what I’m doing, or overwhelmed. It is to protect me from internal atrophy.”
Like I said, these principles are time-honored truths, but you sure don’t hear them enough in our crazy hectic world.
So, slow down for at least five minutes, brew your favorite tea and read Norris’s article. Your soul will thank you!