This is the second post in the continuing series 31 Tips to Spend Time Properly. These tips will help you invest your time more wisely, productively and energetically each day. Some of the tips can be done immediately; others require cultivation. All are time well spent.
31 Ways to Spend Time Properly
Tips 9-12: Your workspace and desk.
9. Assign a place for everything in your office or cubical. Don’t be someone who always says, “Give me a minute, I can find it.” Instead, be someone who can say, “Just a second, I know exactly where that is.” Getting organized will always make work, as well as your life, easier.
10. Keep your desk free of papers you are not working on that day. You will be shocked at how much paper will depart from your desk! This prevents the important from being mixed up or lost among the unimportant.
11. Use stackables to sort your papers. They’re cheap and can be quickly arranged to meet changing requirements and processes.
12. Keep paperwork moving. Again, use stackables to sort papers based on the action you will take on them.