Take the time to try some of these great new tips! You have to invest time to save time! You will be so glad you did!
“File” clothes vertically in drawers so you can see your clothes at a glance.
Thanks to Chasing Cheerios for this tip.
Organize scarves by tying around trouser hangers to store in your wardrobe
Thanks to Squidoo for this idea!
Squeegees are for more than your windows.
Use one to remove pet hair from furniture and carpets
Thanks, Bobbenblog Lite, for the tip.
Who would have thought that dropping a couple of denture cleaning tablets into the toilet bowl at night would clean off all those stubborn stains by morning.
Thanks, Stockpiling Moms, for this timely tip!
“To clean a wooden chopping board,
sprinkle on a handful of Kosher salt and rub with half a lemon.
Rinse with clean water and dry to ensure it is clean and germ-free.”
From Off the Wheaten Path