Spring is bashfully making her appearance. Flowers are decking themselves out in their colorful spring finery, and trees are starting to bud. Spring winds are blowing away the cobwebs of winter, and nature is waking up after months of slumber.
Ironically, besides being the first full month of spring, April, which is just a few weeks away, is also Stress Awareness Month. Yes, during this annual 30-day period many national health experts join forces to bring awareness to the public about the causes and remedies for our modern stress epidemic.
Stress is not only an unwelcome emotional guest, but it’s a health hazard, as well. The dangers of stress take their toll on one’s physical, emotional, behavioral and cognitive health. And some of the most common sources of external stress are in our homes and offices. We simply have too much stuff and it accumulates faster than we can effectively manage it.
If you are currently stressed by disorganization and clutter, there’s no more appropriate time to do some spring-cleaning in your home or business office.
Take a few minutes and check out a couple of our posts. Get some simple tips on how your home office can become a haven, and your work office the envy of all your co-workers.
Get spring cleaned and stress free. With a little planning and a small investment of your time, you can conquer that clutter, freshen up your work space, and gain some peace of mind.