Each week we will be featuring a chapter in the remarkable tale of Sue McMillin’s life. Her book Taken by Surprise: The Extraordinary Journey of an Ordinary Woman, published in 2013, is a memorable tale and one that cries out for a reader with a listening ear and an open heart.
What follows is a fascinating tale, and a true one, of how a life thrown away can be salvaged into a thing of beauty and usefulness. It is a story of divine intervention — not once, but over and over again. Through the twists and turns of triumphs and tragedies, a woman launches out in new directions, and surprises pop up in the most phenomenal ways. And that’s the miracle of this story — one that will touch your heart, renew your thinking, and throw open the windows of fresh vision in your life. It is a book for those who know there’s more to life than they’ve experienced, for those who are tired of the trenches, and for those who just might be listening to the still, small voice that beckons, “Follow me!” ~Sarah Hemingway~