Why Hire an Organizer, Part III
What does a $1200 check, $30,000 in gems and gold, a $100,000 letter and a table saw all have in common?
Those are just some of the amazing discoveries my clients have experienced as I helped them declutter their offices and homes. They have found so much money that I often wonder why I didn’t ask for a commission! Bottom line: organizing gives a big return on your investment.
An organizer can save you money. You don’t have to purchase a fancy $800 closet organizing system; just hire an organizer for a third of the price. You don’t have to buy thousands of dollars of new appliances and cabinets to upgrade your kitchen; just hire an organizer who can transform your space and give you a brand new kitchen experience for a fraction of the cost.
Most people think that it takes something new – an upgraded kitchen, fancy closet organizers, a remodeled basement – something to help them gain sanity in their homes. But few hire an organizing consultant before they invest in major physical changes and improvements. Saving 25-40% more storage space before you remodel can save oodles of money and possibly eliminate the unforeseen stress and expense that often accompanies a remodeling process.
Re-organizing versus re-modeling can save you a boatload of money. One client, Lindey, was about to remodel. The estimate for the job was $300,000. After we discussed alternatives through reorganizing, the remodeling estimate was reduced to $100,000.
Yes – a $200,000 reduction. Now, that’s the kind of return on investment that I’m talking about!
So why not invest in organizing and discover what kind of a return on your investment you can achieve!