Why Hire An Organizer? Part II
Feeling the blues about having to organize all on your own?
You don't have to face the challenge of decluttering your home or office by yourself. Hiring an organizing consultant will help you to eliminate, categorize, and systematize faster, easier, and smarter.
Plus, working with someone who has a passion for organizing is just a whole lot more fun!
Eliminating clutter. Working with an organizer helps you declutter more rapidly by keeping you focused. You won’t get sidetracked when you find an item that causes you to reminisce. Sometimes, my clients simply need permission. “Can I toss this?” they would ask. “Of course,” I would reply with a smile.
Sorting, categorizing and systematizing files and loose paperwork. For many, getting organized is simply too time consuming. Hiring an organizer dramatically speeds up the process. With an organizer at your side, you receive moment by moment guidance. Getting organized requires a combination of correct thinking and ruthless decision making. Professional organizers have seen everything under the sun. The best organizers are right there with you, always prompting, always encouraging.
Having fun. I have one client in Virginia who keeps hiring me because he refuses to organize on his own. It’s always better to have someone encouraging and working with you hands-on as you dig through your stuff. We are so attached to our belongings that we need an objective person by our side coaxing us to eliminate, eliminate, eliminate! On the lighter side, you can’t help but chuckle – and even rejoice – at some of the things you discover as you dig your way down through all those piles, stacks and pyramids (see next week’s post for some real shockers!).
So try working with a professional organizer; you won’t regret it!
Give me a call or shoot me an email anytime. I love finding solutions to problems big or small.