Take a few minutes and look at your office and home. Are you swamped with tasks? Is your workspace disorganized? Have you ever said to yourself, “I don’t have enough time to get it all done.” Maybe these thoughts are coming from a misplaced paradigm about time management.
Time management is a misnomer. You can’t manage time. You can only manage the events of your life or your priorities. You can’t save time or enhance time. You can’t buy it, sell it, or store it.
Each one of us must face the disturbing fact that I have all the time there is. No less, no more. It is what it is. And time passes us by second by second, minute by minute, unencumbered and unaffected by what we think about it!
If we are willing to see time from that perspective, it changes everything, and we begin managing ourselves based on another paradigm: what do I do with the time I have?
The Bible encourages us to “make the most of every opportunity.”[1] It also encourages us to “keep account” or “number our days” so that “we may develop inner wisdom.”[2]
The secret to successful time management is successful self management. How do you spend your time? Do you number your days, schedule your events, and account for the time you have in practical, measurable ways?
If you do, you’re on the right road to inner wisdom!