Yesterday’s post, concluded with this thought: Focusing on values such as excellence, self-control, and perseverance will strengthen our roots, especially in the area of how we spend our time.
Those three values are found in 2 Peter 1: 3-11 (the Bible). Peter says that we have been given everything we need for life and godliness. As we bring God’s values into our lives, these characteristics will keep us from being unproductive and ineffective — a genuine, lasting solution.
What are those three characteristics that will keep us from being unproductive and ineffective?
Excellence. Chapter 3:5 reads, “Add to your faith moral excellence.” The Greek word for excellence means virtue or fulfillment. As we add excellence to our character, we begin fulfilling our purpose in life. I believe that God created each individual with a purpose. When you invest time in your purpose and embrace it wholeheartedly — whether you’re a rancher, banker, pilot, mom or dad, nurse, manager — you are cultivating character.
Self-control. Chapter 3:6 reads, “…and to your knowledge, add self-control.” A key aspect of self-control is being organized. Proverbs 25:28 also says, “He that has no rule (self-control) over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.” Throughout ancient history, cities had massive walls to protect the people from their enemies. If those walls were broken, the people were insecure and vulnerable. When you invest time in learning self-control as it regards organizing your time and your stuff, you are cultivating character and confidence.
Perseverance. Chapter 3:6 continues, “…and in your self-control, [add] perseverance.” Perseverance is the ability to accept a difficult, ongoing situation that extends over an indeterminate period of time. Perseverance is learning how to continue on patiently without a deadline or immediate expectation of resolution or fulfillment — something everyone experiences sooner or later, whether with a boss, a spouse, coworkers or friends. Perseverance helps us understand that time and character are linked.
Wrapping up, when we invest time cultivating the character traits of excellence, self-control and perseverance, we spend time wisely. We focus on the tree itself rather than on its shadow. It’s not only the iPad, DayTimer, or online calendar system that ultimately determines our long-term success, but our character.
Please check back tomorrow for tips 1-8 of 31 practical tips on how to wisely invest your time.
Can you really manage time?