Just recently, my Bible reading brought me to a verse I’ve read many times throughout the years. Don’t ask me why, but as I read it, a funny thought popped into my mind, so I got up and went to my calculator to validate my thinking. Yes, you heard me right — my calculator!
The verse was 2 Peter 3:8. “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”
Sitting at my desk, I began to compute. Here’s the simple math:
– if one day or 24 hours equal 1000 years…
– then each hour equals about 42 years…
– which means each minute equals about 8 months!
Ha! So the next time I ask the Lord to deliver me from a hard or challenging situation and he replies, “Just hang on for another minute…” I think I will hunker down and keep on praying!
I have always teased the Lord and constantly reminded him that he must move more quickly in my life. After all, I prompt him that he is quite old and has all of eternity while I do not!
Joy to you in this coming new year!